( ! ) Deprecated: substr(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/bitrix/ext_www/bot.institut-medicina.ru/vendor/longman/telegram-bot/src/Entities/Message.php on line 319
Call Stack
10.0002366392{main}( ).../test.php:0
20.01031330384Longman\TelegramBot\Request::sendMessage( $data = ['chat_id' => 199631726, 'text' => 'Your utf8 text Ÿ˜œ ...'] ).../test.php:26
30.01031330384Longman\TelegramBot\Request::send( $action = 'sendMessage', $data = ['chat_id' => 199631726, 'text' => 'Your utf8 text Ÿ˜œ ...'] ).../Request.php:339
40.37351827984Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\ServerResponse->__construct( $data = ['ok' => TRUE, 'result' => ['message_id' => 379, 'from' => [...], 'chat' => [...], 'date' => 1741963367, 'text' => 'Your utf8 text Ÿ˜œ ...']], $bot_name = 'rdm88_bot' ).../Request.php:302
50.37451897992Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\Message->__construct( $data = ['message_id' => 379, 'from' => ['id' => 6584685531, 'is_bot' => TRUE, 'first_name' => 'rdm_bot', 'username' => 'rdm88_bot'], 'chat' => ['id' => 199631726, 'first_name' => 'Radmir', 'username' => 'radmir72', 'type' => 'private'], 'date' => 1741963367, 'text' => 'Your utf8 text Ÿ˜œ ...'], $bot_name = 'rdm88_bot' ).../ServerResponse.php:59
60.37451898056Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\Message->init( $data = ['message_id' => 379, 'from' => ['id' => 6584685531, 'is_bot' => TRUE, 'first_name' => 'rdm_bot', 'username' => 'rdm88_bot'], 'chat' => ['id' => 199631726, 'first_name' => 'Radmir', 'username' => 'radmir72', 'type' => 'private'], 'date' => 1741963367, 'text' => 'Your utf8 text Ÿ˜œ ...'], $bot_name = 'rdm88_bot' ).../Message.php:99
70.37501916616Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\Message->getCommand( ).../Message.php:145
80.37501916616substr( $string = NULL, $offset = 0, $length = 1 ).../Message.php:319